为了在干船坞进行现场加工,我们的技术部门特别设计了一个临时。 这支撑结构安装在船体底部充当一个工作平台,用于安放我们的便携式圆形铣床和工作人员以便进行锥形锥体模块的精密加工。

Machine setup to carry out the tapered cone machining 1

Machine setup to carry out the tapered cone machining 2

Temporary support structure with sacrificial rail

Lift down the Circular Milling Machines' spider into the mating cone module 1

Lift down the Circular Milling Machines' spider into the mating cone module 2

Conduct pre-machining runout survey to determine the material removal

Conduct milling of sacrificial rail to nearest flatness 1

Conduct milling of sacrificial rail to nearest flatness 2

Radial runout survey after post machining 1

Radial runout survey after post machining 2